adding certbot to a phoenix project
the phoenix framework is the de-facto web server for the elixir ecosystem. it’s production ready and doesn’t need any sort of ingress like nginx in front of it. there’s a section in the docs about how to set up ssl which does a great job, but you need to get the ssl certs first. which, most of the time, means you need certbot!
since you’ve skipped setting up nginx
and apache
, certbot
can’t auto-configure itself. you’ll need to use the --webroot
option instead, which means you’ll need to configure phoenix to serve the challenges that certbot
I found and tried SiteEncrypt but it errored in some GenServer
and I wasn’t up to the task of digging into the stack trace. it turns out it’s only a couple of lines of code anyways!
my first instinct was to use Plug.Static
, since all I needed to do was serve the files in the .well-known/
directory that certbot
creates. this fell flat because I wanted to configure the WELL_KNOW_PATH
at runtime, but plug Plug.Static
seems to all happen at compile time. so have to add the route myself!
add a route for certbot
--- a/lib/qian_bei_web/router.ex +++ b/lib/qian_bei_web/router.ex + + # Certbot + scope "/", QianBeiWeb do + pipe_through :browser + + get "/.well-known/*path", CertbotController, :challenge + end
add the the
--- /dev/null +++ b/lib/qian_bei_web/controllers/certbot_controller.ex defmodule QianBeiWeb.CertbotController do @moduledoc "serves files at /.well-known/ for `certbot` challenges" use QianBeiWeb, :controller @spec challenge(Plug.Conn.t(), map()) :: Plug.Conn.t() def challenge(conn, %{"path" => path}) do with well_known_dir when not is_nil(well_known_dir) <- Application.fetch_env!(:qian_bei, :certbot)[:well_known_dir], path = Enum.join(path, "/"), file = Path.join(well_known_dir, path), true <- File.exists?(file) do conn |> Plug.Conn.send_file(:ok, file) else _ -> conn |> put_view(QianBeiWeb.ErrorView) |> render(:"404") |> halt() end end end
- deploy your phoenix webapp, making sure to set
config :qian_bei, :certbot, well_known_dir: System.fetch_env!("WEBROOT_PATH")
(same as below) - get the certificates
sudo certbot -d "${}" -v certonly --webroot --webroot-path="${WEBROOT_PATH:/var/www/qianbei}"
configure your
to use the new certs--- a/config/runtime.exs +++ b/config/runtime.exs + config :qian_bei, QianBeiWeb.Endpoint, + https: [ + certfile: System.fetch_env!("WEB_SSL_CERT_PATH") || "/etc/letsencrypt/live/", + keyfile: System.fetch_env!("WEB_SSL_KEY_PATH") || "/etc/letsencrypt/live/" + ]
- recompile/redoply/restart the server (note the server will have to be run under the
account to access/et/letsencrypt
) - visit your website and make sure it’s working!
- set up autorenew
sudo certbot renew --dry-run
(this will add the autorenew to/etc/crontab
orsystemctl list-timers